Transform your relationship with life…

The path to healing begins with setting the courageous intention to be present with the truth of how things are in your life right now.  And the journey happens one step at a time.  You don’t have to have the answers.  You don’t even have to know the questions.  You simply can show up, bringing along your curiosity and patience.

Life presents us with so many challenges: work and family demands, life transitions, losses, health concerns, chronic pain, relationship difficulties, trauma, depression, fears and worries.  These life stressors can often exceed what we feel is our capacity to cope.  While we may not be able to control what life throws our way, we have the opportunity to transform how we meet these challenges.  Sometimes a compassionate listener and skilled professional is all you need to release old patterns, reduce your pain, restore balance, and enhance well-being and happiness.

Beginning to work with any therapist can be a bit scary as it requires you to sit down with the difficulties in your life, and to really open up about the most intimate parts of yourself.  In choosing to share the challenges, stress, and emotional pain in your life, it is important to find a counselor that you feel understands you and the unique challenges you are currently facing.

As a licensed psychologist (Colorado psychologist #3069), I provide individual therapy for adults and late adolescents.  With 26 years experience as a clinician and registered yoga teacher in a variety of settings, I help clients do the tough emotional housecleaning and integration needed to build more vibrant, satisfying and authentic lives.  I cultivate strong supportive relationships with clients and utilize a wide range of interventions including brainspotting, mindfulness and self-compassion practices, guided imagery, cognitive behavioral therapy, and grounding techniques.  Areas of special expertise include mindful self compassion (MSC), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), work-life balance, burnout recovery, women’s issues, grief and loss, transitions, trauma, health challenges and yoga for cancer survivors.  Most of my clients live in the Boulder area and are probably just like you.

I invite you to learn more about me and how I work with clients from this website.  And I hope you will give me a call at 303-868-5881 to talk about how we may work together to transform your relationship with life.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase,
just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it
should be.”
– Wayne W. Dyer
