Brainspotting & Mindfulness Consultation


healingConsultation experience and philosophy

I have offered clinical supervision and consultation to trainees at various stages of their professional development including advanced practicum (typically post-masters), postdoctoral fellows, and junior colleagues for the past 10 years.  I also served as the Clinical Coordinator and Assistant Director of Counseling and Psychological Services at The University of Colorado at Boulder for 5 years which involved coordinating clinical consultation team meetings and offering consultation on legal, ethical and clinical issues to a staff of 20 clinicians.

Consultation is an essential part of the process of becoming a clinician.  I approach consultation in an individualized fashion, collaboratively crafting a supervision plan with each consultee that fits their specific learning styles and goals.  I take a developmental stance to consultation that supports competency building appropriate to where a consultee is within their career trajectory.  I strive to be supportive, flexible, and available, offering constructive feedback that addresses both strengths and growth edges.

Individual Clinical Consultation

I offer individual specialty consultation for clinicians seeking to develop their brainspotting or mindfulness skills.

Brainspotting Consultation

I am a certified Brainspotting Consultant and love supporting clinicians in deepening and developing their brainspotting skills through the certification process.  I have completed one or more rounds of Brainspotting Phases I, II, III, and IV, the Master Class and the Intensive with David Grand, as well as training in Generational Brainspotting with Ruby Gibson. I regularly participate in two brainspotting consultation groups and find consultation groups a way of keeping my skills fresh and cutting edge, which I then love to share with consultees.  I regularly assist at Phase 1 and 2 trainings with Melanie Young and Pie Frey.

Mindfulness Consultation

I offer individual consultation for clinicians seeking to integrate mindfulness skills into their individual and group clinical work, as well as mindfulness consultation for mindfulness teachers in training.

Please call or e-mail me to discuss how I may support your development as a clinician or mindfulness teacher.  I look forward to hopefully working with you!